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No cure, no pay...
We offer you up to one week of our time without cost or obligation. For more information about this offer, see our "Contacts" section. If you decide to work with us after this period, we have a variety of different fee structures, including:

Results Based
Because success cannot be measured by the hours on a clock, we prefer to be paid according to an objective measure of the project results. Depending on the project goals, this measure may be based on such metrics as sales, cost reduction or cash flow.

Equity Stake
You are excited about your new start-up opportunity, and we may be too! That's why we often are willing to accept an equity stake in lieu of cash for all or part of our services.

Fixed Fee
Projects may be accepted on a fixed-price, fixed-schedule basis. We will be happy to assess the project goals on site at no charge, and then estimate our time and expenses.

Daily Fee
For smaller assignments, we charge a daily fee. Usually this daily fee will include incidental expenses such as secretarial support, documentation, communication and travel.

Why we exist...
A dynamic approach to solving problems...
What we do...
Senior experience in a wide variety of areas...
Our work speaks for itself...
No cure, no pay...
About Peter Kraan...
Let's get started...
Read about P. Kraan Corporate Engineers...
It's all about teamwork...
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